NOTEBOOK V2.4 LARGE TEXT FILE EDITOR The following files represent the inventory of this archive: BLFX10.VBX CMDIALOG.VBX DBTTIP.VBX EMEDIT.VBX FILE_ID.DIZ MSGHOOK.VBX NOTEBOOK.EXE NOTEBOOK.HLP NOTEBOOK.TXT REG.TXT SETUP.EXE The file VBRUN300.DLL must be either in your windows or windows\system directory. Neither VBRUN100.DLL or VBRUN200.DLL will suffice. To install the program, run the file SETUP.EXE. This will copy the files to the directory of your choice, and create an icon for Notebook in Program Manager. To take advantage of this program, we recommend that you associate .TXT and .INI files with Notebook in FileManager. If you are uncertain as to how this is accomplished, consult the Help File in File Manager. If you enjoy the program, please take the time to register it. The registration information can be found in the help file under "Registration". For the latest CT Software program updates and a look at our other shareware, please feel free to visit our WEB site. The address is "". If you would like to contact us for any reason, either write, e-mail on Compuserve at 75264,3237, e-mail on AOL at Ron2222, or internet e-mail at